Soon after the setup of our site and subsequent installation of locks, it was determined that at least one lock was installed in the wrong location. Since installation “tweaks” were done for aligning the deadbolt with the door frame to prevent a lock jam, we don’t want to physically move locks around. How do I fix this?
The Move Lock capability in the Command Center is used to change the location of a lock from one Secured Area to another. Move Lock is available from the ... more menu or from the Lock Actions menu when viewing a specific lock.
For example: the locks for Unit 201 and Unit 210 got installed effectively “swapped”, so we will use the Move Lock capability to correct this situation.
● Step 1: move the Unit 201 lock to the Unit 210 Secured Area. Note that lock names must be unique, so add “-new” to the Updated Lock Name.
● Step 2: move the Unit 210 lock to the Unit 201 Secured Area.
● Step 3: rename the “Unit 210-new” to “Unit 210”.
● Be aware that the changes from Move Lock will trigger AIQ Sync needing to be done on both locks.
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